Sunday 2 September 2012

Artistic Diversions

"What does someone like me do?"
"Drive sports cars, date movie stars...  Buy things that aren’t for sale.  Who knows, Master Wayne- if you start pretending to have fun, you might even have a little by accident." ‒ Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth

Yes, I admit this post is not directly related to the project itself, so for those expecting progress photos and such, I apologize for the shameless plug and segway.  That being said, it is crunch time and progress is still being made, it's just that there are no significant milestones to demonstrate.  I will post new progress soon as it happens.

Batgirl #10 Sketch
That being said, what does a billionaire playboy do on his spare time?  Well...  Aside from driving sports cars and dating movie stars, this would-be billionaire playboy has taken up an occasional stint of comic art.

I've posted previously about my friends Adonis Howard and Brittany Marr.  With Don's instruction and inspiration from both, I've been drawing here and there with varied results.  This piece, a black and white sketch of the Batgirl #10 cover, is one of my first finished works.  One I'm actually proud enough to display on my DA.  More soon.

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